Saturday, September 14, 2013

My Desk #hashtag

I took a picture of a few items around my desk at my school. I know it is illegal to post pictures of students. It might be of questionable legality to post pictures of my classroom. I feel pretty safe showing pictures of these closeups.

I have a few quotes on my bulletin board behind my desk. They are mostly from Winston Churchill. There are also some math cartoons. I also have a picture of CUJO on my bulletin board. The content really isn't for the students. It's more for me. It's my six square-feet of sanctuary. 

On my desk, I have a coffee mug with pens in it. I have to fix the three-hole punch (it is currently broken). I have a power cord and extra monitor for my laptop, although I rarely use my laptop at school. You can also see my window.

Also, I have my African violet. I'm not sure she is going to make it. I have to go do some research and figure out what it means when the leaves start to curl up. I'm not sure if she gets enough sun/too much sun or enough water/too much water. The note on the pot is a lotto ticket. It says, "Don't be afraid to fail." Even if failure is likely, it might still worth a shot, if the prize is worthwhile.

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